Sunday, 28 July 2019

Furnace of affliction.

We all have a story to tell!
Everyone was at a point in time in the 'Furnance of affliction'.

Those moment when you were like "God where are you?".
Those trouble times when prayers almost became difficult to say.
Those times when you feel the devil's got you as a bull eye for his target practice.
When throwing in the towel and giving up on God seems to be the loudest voice you heard within you.
God was right there all along.
Letting those situations #ShapeYou, #BreakYou, #MoldYou, #ToughenYou.......
You can't afford to be a weakling and back out in His Scheme for your life.
I'm not saying God is responsible for all your troubles but during those trying times, you've got to hold your head up high and your gaze fixed on that man at Calvary because "this too shall pass".