Monday, 24 July 2017

Rejoice always

I Thes 5:16. Rejoice always
The Psalmist boldly declared “this is the day the Lord has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it” (Psalm 118:24).
My bible didn’t really place any restriction or condition for rejoicing, as long as it’s the day that the lord has made, we’ve got to rejoice.*Even if you are waking up from bed with #0.00k both in bank and cash. Rejoice!
*No hope of getting your daily bread yet. Rejoice! (God has you covered).

*Still feeling or seeing the symptoms of that illness. Rejoice! (A merry heart doeth good like a medicine Prov 17:22).
*Don’t know how all those bills will get paid off. Rejoice! (Prov 18:16. A man’s gift makes way for him).
*Still job hunting? Rejoice! (Your employment testimony is just around the corner)
*Trusting God for the fruit of the womb or life partner. Rejoice! (Psalm 30:5 Your weeping has gone with last night, embrace your joy)
*Lost someone very dear to you? Rejoice! (They’ve been rescued from the troubles of this world).
*So stucked and confused that you don’t know how, when or where help is coming from for you and your family? Rejoice! (Your destiny helper is just one step away)
*Passing through a difficult situation? Rejoice! (Be grateful you are not stucked in it)
*Probably scored below JAMB’s cut off mark. Rejoice! (Failure is part of every success journey)
“Happiness doesn’t depend on your circumstances, it’s a choice you make”_Joel Osteen
Rejoice, not because you have a perfect life but because you have assurance that your Father who happens to be the God of possibility is still at work and not yet done with you.
Your state of mind would determine how great today would be. #Rejoice! You aren’t defeated yet.