The truth is we've all got our "Zero hours" meaning those bleak times, the lean seasons, the occasions in our life
when things come to a dead end. The zero hour is, of course full of fear. But it is also fraught with faith. You can pull through your zero hours if you stand firm on the solid rock which is Jesus Christ!It's important to note that as a Christian, Christianity does not remove the red lights, stumps, setbacks and tragedies of life. But we have good reason to believe that our walk with God in Christ gives us vital armor and a tough skin as protection when the zero hour sneaks in.
Every born-again Christian needs to come to the realization that the purpose of Christianity is not to teach us believers how to avoid or eliminate difficulty but to nurture within us the strength of character necessary to offset difficulty when it comes. Christianity does not make life easy, rather it provides the strength needed to face and overcome the trials of life.
Although many people fumble in the darkness, overcome by the circumstances of life, we Christians can be assured that every problem we encounter contains the seed of God's solution and the knowledge that God's power is fully available to you will in one way or the other calm the waves in your life when stormy days arrive.