A wise man once said "the mastery of Kingdom mysteries saves one from a life of misery". Ever tried playing electronic games such as mario or candy crush? I've realized that as much as some folks would spend so much time stucked in the same level it's the other way round for others.
Have you ever wondered why it's so? Here is the answer... Secret tunnels that makes you skip levels and short codes that crushes candies massively. It's good to change levels but it's better when you know how to skip/jump levels. Nehemiah got this secret and it took him about 52days to change from been a butler to become king, so did little David at age 17 he became a national hero from a Shepherd boy.... Let's no forget Joseph who got catapulted right from the prison to palace and many more. Someone must be asking himself /herself "what then is the secret?". It's PASSION! Not just any passion but burning passion for God, His Kingdom and a driving passion to make a change, stand for something not just anything alongside a sense of purpose. Hey! I think we've stayed too long at the same level now is the time to change the game, no fun in settling for a life of mediocre. Let's set our passion ablaze and so much fuel it that the ozone layer would feel it's impact. Dear friend please don't tell me it's a grace or fruit of the spirit or gift of the spirit.... I would totally diagree with that. It's a matter of #Choice. Let's get up from the seat of ignorance and make the right choice. #OvertakingIsAllowed.