Monday, 16 July 2018

It's Intentional

   Once in a while you get angry, frustrated , bitter and even depressed because of what you Should have done but didn't or couldn't, what you've lost in the past, how much time you've wasted on things you thought would be fruitful but weren't.......... You can decide to hold onto those negative experience and let them steal your joy but let me remind you that "all things work together for good to those who love God,"(Rom 8:28). Instead of accomodating those akward feeling and getting sad while murning those experience, You can loan or steal a smile from the smile bank, thank God for those experience (they were all factors to the making of the present you) and then think of what you can do right with the time left. Choose to strenghten yourself in the Lord like king David did(I sam 30:6b) because every of God's act regarding your life isn't accidental (Isiah 55:8&9) but rather intentional. #it's_intentional.