Sunday, 28 July 2019

Sucide⚰️! It doesn't just happen

The wise and sincere wouldn't deny the fact that we're in the darktimes. The heart of
many has been chocked with anxiety.
What's gonna happen next?
Condolences to as many who has lost a dear one to the obvious choice of many out of these times, "Mr Sucide".
It's alarming how Sucide seems to be the shortcuts many are taking out of this dark time but the truth is Sucide happens to be the obvious one out of many others.
It saddens the heart as to many precious life has been ignorantly or knowingly lost to Sucide and other silent killers such as heart attack. A countless number of promising life's has been lost to these dreads.
The truth is everyone has one issue or the other that is a major source of concern but most has learn to use the ".....cast all your cares on Me" approach better than the others. But that doesn't mean a blind eye should be turned to those that are in the learning process or completely ignorant of the approach.
The bible recorded Paul's admonishment in First Thessalonians 5:14 "..... And we urge you brothers and sisters admonish the idle, encourage the fainthearted, help the weak, be patient with them all."
We need to get pass all these fake smiles on timelines and display pictures and reach out to the real man. Depression is sucking out life out of our dear and distant ones, many are dying within of low self esteem, comparison is silently shutting down the blood bank of many, relationships has drained many of energy, the fear of not been able to give the best to their children has robbed most parents of their joy, uncertainty of what tomorrow holds has defeated some of our loved ones from within.
Let's take a break from random Hello's and reach out to those heart that are fainting.
That friend that suddenly become withdrawn might just need a heart to heart talk time with you.
The woman with that beautiful smile might be as wounded as a sheep that survived a wolf attack.
That easy going friend that suddenly became aggressive and rude might just be grasping for air of encouragement.
Those parents with their "heads hanging down" might just need reassuring words from their children that everything is gonna be alright.
The congregation that suddenly turned rebellious might just need their shepherd to get off the altar and reach out to them.
Not every smile is genuine, even the most beautiful of smiles can be faked.
Any of these doesn't mean they are weak neither those it makes you stronger than them, sometimes we just need a little push and support from Aaron and Hur like Moses on  the mount in the battle against the Amalekites in Exodus 17:11&12. Depression is their Amalekites, me and you are the Aarons and Hurs they need as support for their heavy arms if they are going to win this battle.
Assuring them over a call (phonecall, WhatsApp call, Facebook messenger call, Skype), via messages (chats, emails, sms) or timelines (WhatsApp, Instagram, Facebook, tweets) would go a long way and might just save someone from loosing a dear one.
Let's remember that we're to watch and pray, so while we are watching out for them let's also remember them in our prayer time.
To everyone going through any form of hard or dark times....... just hold on help is on the way. Why not try and confide in Someone while you hold on to God you'd be amazed at the level of relief you get alongside assurance of better days. Sucide is never an option.
Ehinola Ayobami Joseph loves you so much that I don't wanna loose you but God loves you more.