Sunday, 28 July 2019

The Mentor(SHIP).

Oscar Guobadia once said "Spiritual Father's are not meant to just give you pupilt and teach you how
to become the best preacher". It's essential that you don't just wake up one day and feel I'm making that man my spiritual father. There's more to all these spiritual father to son relationship than you could ever imagine.
Some questions you should ask yourself after doing some soul searching and prayer;
✓ What are the graces I cherish in the life of this man?
✓ Is there a reflection of the level of success I  aspire to achieve in business, career or ministry in his life?
✓ Outside his grace, annointing and success, would I still love him for who he is?
✓ If a scandal sprouts up about him tomorrow, would I be able to stand by him and lovingly associate with his mess?
✓ Is his level of grace and anointing enough to cover me spiritually?
See, you can't grow beyond the level of counsel you get either financially, career wise or spiritually and that's why you need to think twice before dabling under someone's wing for mentorship because Dwarf beget Dwarfs and Giant beget Giants.
#Giant VS Dwarfs