Tuesday, 10 April 2018

Church game

We've played so much church game that we aren't  allowed to show or tell people who we really are. Because Church wouldn't really welcome who you are behind the curtains, but as long as you play your role well to the public avoiding the condemnation and discrimination that comes with revealing your flaws and secret battles..... Then you're just the perfect Holy Ghost🔥 filled brother/sister. II Corinthians 10:18


If only most of our frustrated Christian brethren could confront the devil and dare opportunities with the same boldness, confidence and fired up spirit they used in blaming God and falsely accusing the innocent old women in their village. The devil 😈 would have flee away from them and they would have also accomplish great feats a long time ago.

Monday, 2 April 2018

He's risen already and would return soon

Conflicts within young mind
Why do Christ have to die and resurrect every year (Easter)?
Why is it that every December they give birth to Christ (Christmas🎄)?
Don't get this the wrong way, the real events we mark every year happened over 2000 years ago but we so much celebrate this past events like it recently happened. Yes it's good we celebrate the remembrance of the birth (first coming of Christ) and His finished work of salvation at Calvary but how those these really awaken the consciousness of young mind to what is coming and not what has happened. I think it's right time we lay much emphasis on the second return of Jesus Christ. Celebrating the past events would only do a little or no work in preparing this generation for the days ahead but letting them know that judgement day wouldn't be like that of Christmas or easter where they get to eat delicacies and get additional wears to their wardrobes this would go a long way in sensitizing them.